Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Reading Resolution

It has been way too long since I posted on this blog, but my New Year's resolution is to be a bit more consistent, which shouldn't be too hard since I haven't posted since July!! :)

Speaking of New Year's resolutions - Here's one for you! Why not make a resolution to read at least one book to your child each day?  For parents, this may seem like an incredibly hard task.  Running to and from school, activities after school, getting to work on time, laundry, changing diapers, cooking, cleaning, on and on it goes!  However, to read one book to your child will probably only take you about five minutes a day!  

Those five minutes each day will be some of the best minutes you'll spend.  Reading to our children creates a bond between parent and child, encourages them to read on their own as soon as they are able, develops a love for reading, and shows them that reading is fun!

You could keep a record of each book you read for 2013.  It would be so fun at the end of the year for you and your child to look back and remember the books you've read.  You would also have a great resource of 365 children's books.  Mark which ones you really liked and how your child responded to the book.  What a fun project!!

So, how about making a resolution that will help not only your child, but also you?!  Read at least one book a day to your child and you'll see multiple wonderful effects!!  You can check out my other blog posts for book ideas to help you with your reading resolution!

Happy Reading!! 

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