Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tried a new author and loved it!!

A friend recently told me about an author she has enjoyed reading and a specific series of hers that she has enjoyed.  Francine Rivers, the author, has written a series of books based on the lives of women in the Bible.  I just finished reading the one she wrote on the life of Mary , the mother of Jesus.  It's titled, Unafraid, and it is AMAZING!!!!

It helped me imagine Jesus as a tiny baby and then a toddler and finally growing up into manhood.  It helped me imagine what it must have been like to be Jesus' mother.  All the emotions she felt and the fears she had.  It's a fictional story but based on sound Biblical facts.  It was so good I could not put it down. I read it in one day.  It's not real long and it's easy reading!

She has others on different ladies in the Bible and I'm going to read them all!! She does have other books that she has written and I am not necessarily recommending them because I have not read them.  I don't know what they are like.  This one was amazing and I'm sure the rest of this series will be as well!

I would recommend it for older teens-adults!  Happy Reading!!

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