Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It Only Takes One Person.........

Found the following article on Scholastic Books blog and wanted to share it with you all.  This book editor tells the story of how one teacher recognized her struggle with reading and made the attempt and put forth the effort to help her overcome her struggles.  Because of this one teacher, she is now an avid reader and book editor!

It only takes one person who will take the time to help one child gain a love for reading.  It will change their life forever! I hope as you read this article you will be inspired to be that one person for either one of your own children or a child in your classroom.  Happy Reading!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Historical Fiction

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE historical fiction, especially historical fiction that is set during the Revolutionary War days.  On my bucket list of things to do in my lifetime is to write a children's book set during the Revolution.  We shall see! :)

I wanted to share a few of my favorite historical fiction books that I feel boys would especially enjoy.  Now, remember, I am a girl, surprise, surprise, :) and I still LOVE these books.  They are not only for boys.  I just realize that there are some books that boys can enjoy that girls can also, but there are books that girls would enjoy that boys would not; a.k.a  Anne of Green Gables! :)

So, here's a list of some of my all time favorite historical fiction that I feel your boys would enjoy.  If I had to put an age on them, I would say mostly between 3rd grade and up.  Third grade if he is a really good reader.

I just recently read these two books, Silver for General Washington and By Wagon and Flatboat written by Enid LaMonte Meadowcroft.  They are amazing books!! Full of adventure, not at all boring history, and suspense.  Any boy would enjoy the fast paced action of soldiers, Indians, war, river rapids on the flatboat, etc.  Check these out! They are awesome.  Could easily be used as a read aloud in the classroom because both boys and girls would enjoy them!

I recently read from cover to cover, (started it when I was younger and never finished) Johnny Tremaine by Esther Forbes.  It is an excellent book for the older reader.  I would say around 6th-7th grade and older.  It's a longer book, but very, very good.  Again, it's written during the Revolutionary time period!

The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare makes me excited just typing the title! It is so very good and I could not put it down. Every boy should definitely read it!!

Ben and Me and Mr. Revere and I are two books written by Robert Lawson.  He is an amazing author with a knack for taking American History and making it enjoyable for the young reader to enjoy.  Both Ben Franklin and Paul Revere have their own sidekick who tells his side of the story which makes their American Hero famous! Of course, the sidekicks, in their words, are the ones who should really be famous. Great books!

Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham, tells the story of young Nat who wants to be a seaman but he is too small of build to be able to make it as a sailor.  He instead changes the world of sailing with his talent for charts and maps.  Great story of how a young man pursues his dream in spite of difficulties.

Snow Treasure by Marie McSwigan is the exciting story of children who help their country of Norway smuggle gold across the border to keep it out of the hands of the Nazi regime.  Such excitement and adventure is found on almost every page.  A must read for every boy!

The Chestry Oak by Kate Seredy, in my opinion, needs to be read by every single boy!! It is the amazing story of a Hungarian Prince during WWII, Michael, who finds himself in the face of danger many times.  This story will grip you on every page.  It is my personal favorite book right now! I absolutely adore it!

The Buffalo Knife by William O. Steele
The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare
Call It Courage by Armstrong Sperry

All of these are great books and must reads for every boy!  I hope you and your son will have the opportunity to sit down together and either read it out loud or talk about what he has read.  These books have character lessons, history lessons, and are full of adventure to satisfy every young boy's need for excitement!  Happy Reading!

Monday, June 4, 2012

It's Never Too Late

I recently had one of my Sunday school teachers from when I was in HS tell me that I had inspired her to become a reader.  She had never been a reader.  She very excitedly told me all the classics she has been reading and how much she has enjoyed it.  Even though she is older, I'm going to guess maybe in her 60's, she is acquiring a love for reading! It is never too late!
Mothers, if you are not a reader, it is not too late to become a reader.  We know the importance of helping our children acquire a love for reading, but how can we as mother's pass something along to our children that we do not have? It is never too late. How very important it is that our children see us reading for pleasure and hear us talking about the books we are enjoying.
If you have older children who have not yet learned to love reading, it is not too late! It's NEVER too late! It may take a little more concentrated effort, but it is NEVER too late and the effort is ALWAYS worth  the end results!
It is NEVER too late! I'm so excited for my former Sunday school teacher as she is enjoying the classics that I love so very much! I hope you too have/are/ or will enjoy them as well.  Happy Reading!!