Friday, May 20, 2011

Summer Reading

     With the school year coming to a close, I thought I would take the time to emphasize how VERY important it is that your children do not close their books at the end of the school year and not open another until September when school begins again.  A child who continues to read during the summer will retain much more of what he has learned during the school year as opposed to a child who does not read all summer.  His reading skills will either stay the same or be sharper rather than the student who does not read and falls a bit behind in his reading ability.
     Most public libraries have some sort of a reading program during the summer for children.  If your child is of school age, owning his own library card will motivate him to want to check out books.  It will make them feel grown up to have their own card.  Of course, you, as the parent, take responsibility for the card, but it gives them a sense of independence and makes reading that much more fun!
     If your local library does not have a summer reading program or one that you want to participate in, then make up one of your own.  My mom would take us to the library each week and give us a goal of a certain number of books to read that week.  The goal was appropriate for each of our ages.  If we met our goal then we got to do something as simple as go to Dairy Queen and play at the park.  Kids don't have to have huge rewards!! Little things make them happy and motivate them to do something they otherwise may not want to. 
     Summer is looked at as a time to relax and play and have fun.  Of course, that is all great!! It should also be a time to keep reading and exploring new books.  Weekly trips to the library during the summer are an excellent way to ensure that your child does not fall behind in his reading skills.  Just going to the library, however, does not mean your child will read.  Maybe set aside a certain time each day or three times a week, when your child knows that is the time he will read the books you checked out.  
     Help your child start school in September with either the same reading abilities or even stronger reading habits by visiting your local library!! Happy Reading!!

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